Browsing CategoryStocks

Keep Your Investments Protected: Know the Ins and Outs of Safe Investing

Safe investing is really about keeping both your information and your money as secure as possible. Many times, these two items go together. The recent Equifax breach clearly illustrated that no personal information is entirely safe, no matter how many security protocols are in place. As many as 143 million customers may have been affected when hackers apparently broke into the system from May through July in 2017. Data breaches are costly for the companies as well, because remediation — including things like credit monitoring and the civil litigation that inevitably follows — are incredibly expensive. In terms of financial…

How to Make Your Money Work for You

Regardless of what your job is, you will have to work very hard for your money. And, just like everybody else, you would like to keep as much of that money for yourself so you have something to fall back on if you need to. There isn’t really a consensus on how to best achieve that, and how to build wealth in the long term, but it is safe to accept that investing has to be an integral part of it. Saving money is vital if you want to build a nest egg, but you want to make sure that…

Day Traders and Free Chat Rooms

Day trading is an excellent way to get on the road to financial independence and boost you out of a terrible, gray-cubed soaked day job. But lots of day traders lose money on their first forays into the market. Not all of them had a free chat room to rely on as a boost to their day trading education. And while the trend in the day trading education industry is moving away from completely free chat rooms to super-discounted chat previews, the value is still there. Free chat rooms are an excellent way for day traders to get involved in…

Finding the Fast Track to Becoming a Financial Analyst

Everybody has a calling in life. Some people find it all too easy to pinpoint potential opportunities and problem areas in the day-to-day grind. There is a huge demand for those who can analyze, predict, or otherwise determine the likelihood of specific economic conditions and financial situations occurring. Many of these individuals find their calling in the world of financial analysis. Businesses, NGOs, and the public sector all have a need for financial analysts. How does one go about pursuing a career in this field? Let’s look at the basics of becoming a financial analyst and how you can take…

A History of Binary Options

  Binary options were first unveiled to the public in 2008. It was at that time that binary options (also referred to as “digital options” by some), made their appearance on the Chicago Board of Exchange as an asset which could be traded. During the same year, the financial markets struggled mightily, as the US mortgage crisis directly and negatively impacted the global markets. These events would play a critical role in the formation of binaries, as traders were seeking different forms of investing that offered lower levels of risk. As a result, binary options were propelled to popularity. What…